Wednesday, November 19, 2008

just chillin'

Well, life is good these days. It's sort of surreal to think about the months past. I don't know how we did it financially. I mean, I know how; and it's amazing how much we were provided for. We made it, and are still making it in the midst of some very tough times for many people. 

Joey is loving his job. 
He now has his own permanent class of about twenty 6th graders. They are currently in the middle of a video project which my husband came up with. They split into a couple different groups and each group gets to come up with their own story for a movie. They create the plot, script, costumes, scenery, etc. as well as choose who will be directing and who will be playing which roles. Joey will then film and edit the movies and the kids will get to see how everything comes together. 

So far each group has come up with some very interesting stories. Group one decided on the following: A group of kids go camping. All but one go out to collect firewood in the forest, and the one who stays behind gets attacked and bitten by a werewolf. Good stuff right? It gets better. So the kid who was attacked hides his were-wounds from his friends. Night comes and naturally, he turns into a werewolf and starts to attack his friends but the friends prevail and kill their former camping buddy turned werewolf. The end. That's it. No redemption, no happy ending because they found the cure for their poor cursed comrade and they all lived happily ever after. Nope. The end.

The other group Joey's not too sure about. He can't quite seem to understand where exactly the part about a plot comes into the story. They gave him a script, which he read, but can't really put his finger on what it's about. Something about somebody killing someone else and that person getting caught....

Things at the church are still good with me. Maybe its just my nosy side getting its kicks, but I love knowing about and being involved in all the "behind the scenes" stuff there. But mostly it is rad seeing how much care and passion goes into each ministry. We have some amazing leaders who are so gifted and are using those gifts to serve others. I feel privileged to be able to work in the midst of such a unified and humble team.

Thanksgiving is coming and we will be heading out to Salton Sea with Kip and his family to do some desert camping. They do this every year and this will be our first time joining them. 

Anyways, I HAD some pics on here of the kids Joey works with at the YMCA, but had to take them off because he doesn't have permission to be posting them publicly. Oops!! If any of you saw the photos before I removed them; you DIDN'T see them. Got it? 

What a blessing it is to have your spouse love what they do. 


R-becca said...

what a blessing - your story gives me hope. that picture at the bottom with Joey and the kids is so cute!

Anonymous said...

kudos to joey and giving them an opportunity to make a rad movie that they probably couldn't make otherwise. that's also awesome of him to give up his own time to edit all of them.
-Katie Gilbert


oh that beard!